
Sunday, December 27, 2009

some projects

Well, my current project SHOULD be cleaning this house so that the kids can mess it up freshly, but.... I'm pretty unmotivated right now. Lucas is gone until January second, and no matter what I do, and no matter how many times it happens, I'm just a mess without him.

So, what better way to put off doing my cleaning than to show off some projects?? Oh, wait.... I need to figure out how to add pictures to this, don't I?? Well, I hope this works.

The first is a Christmas gift I made for Lucas' kindergarten teacher. I loved the idea of personalized notepads (or personalized anything, really), but didn't have a whole lot of time. So, I made my own!! It was very easy, very inexpensive, but totally worth it for the end result. So here are the two notepads I made for her (hopefully). Pardon my messy table.

Next, is a picture of part of a rag quilt I made for my sister. I did it a little differently this time. Rather than making sandwiches out of the squares, I just sewed the top, and then added a fleece backing. I thought that might make it warmer, and since this was much bigger than what I'm used to doing, and I don't have one of those really nice swing arm sewing machines, it was a bit easier and faster. Perhaps next year I will get one for Christmas??

I've made some other rag quilts as well... Mostly baby sized ones. Someday, I'll upload those pictures, too.

Okay, seriously.... i have to clean now. No, really. I will. I promise. Maybe.

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