
Sunday, December 27, 2009

2010 looking ahead

So, once again, the new year is upon us. A couple of years ago, I gave up making resolutions, because by March or April, I had always broken them. There's a funny thing about me. I'm one of those all or nothing kind of people. Generally speaking, if I fall off the wagon, I don't even try to get back on. Sigh. I look at that, and it's so embarassing to say it, but I'm a quitter. Yes, my name is Jerri, and I am a quitter.

I've been taking stock of a lot of things lately, and I asked myself, is that the kind of person I want to be? Is that the kind of example I want to set for my boys? Do I want my actions to tell them that if they're struggling, if something seems too hard, that they should give up? Do I want to show them that a set back is the end? No.... I want my boys to to work hard and I want them to know that they can acheive everything they want in life.... and I want them to know that so can I. Which brings me to my resolutions for the year.

1. better cooking--better choices. I want to experiment with new fruits and vegetables, and cooking them in new ways. In the spring, summer and fall months, I will venture to local farmers markets for my produce to support local growers and local economy. I will try new recipes, new ingredients, and have fun in my kitchen. If I can't have a garden here where I live, I will plow up my mom's back yard, and grow veggies there, too.

2. become more eco friendly--and budget friendly; it's not too late to start, right? I will find creative ways to recycle as much of our stuff as possible, and will also devise a system for traditional recycling. I will upcycle clothing and furniture, and the things I need to buy, I will buy secondhand through craigslist, freecycle, and thrift stores. Additionally, I will give back to the local community by donating unwanted and unused household goods, clothes, etc., to goodwill or on freecycle, and by selling some things on craigslist.

3. the weight one--it's really time. I did it once, and I did it the wrong way, but I need to lose some of this excess weight before the summer time. Jacob will be crawling and walking before I know it, and in the summer time, I would love to be able to go play football or tee ball with Lucas, and be able to keep up with him. I want to do it because I want to look better, and I want to *feel* better. I need to do it for myself, and more importantly, I need to do it for my boys. Plus, Matt's in a wedding this summer. It's gonna be a gorgeous wedding, and I'm here to tell you that my husband cleans up REALLY nicely. I mean, he's for real hot. So when we dance together, I should look equally hot--in a new dress (purchased from regular racks, or at least a much smaller size in the plus section), and definitely with new shoes. We'll call it a reward.

4. family time--there will be more. It's no secret that I love to spend time with my family. I love my boys--all three of them. Unfortunately, there's only a couple days a week where we all get to be together. This year, I vow to make the very very best of these days/nights. Whether it be family game night, or dancing in the kitchen, we will do something together every week. And when I can, I will spend time with each of my boys individually, doing something special. Lucas and I will start fun projects. Jacob and I will develop his skills towards his milestones. Or maybe my boys and I will just snuggle up for a movie. No matter what, they will know they are loved. And so will my husband. When we can go out for a date, we will. If we can't, we'll make our own date at home. He's something special, and I should show it to him.

5. blessings--count them. This year, it's time to adopt an attitude of gratitude. An attitude of prayer. I am blessed--infinitely--with a beautiful, healthy family, and with the most incredible friends. It's gonna be a good future.

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