
Monday, January 11, 2010

Body Clutter assignment # 5

I've been doing a lot of my body clutter missions in my notebook (there is something freeing about physically putting pen to paper and writing, versus typing it out), but I thought this would be a good one for the blog.

Q What excuses do you make to yourself for having body clutter? Don't hold back! List them all!

A I do have a million excuses for not having taken care of this problem previously.

1. It takes too long, and I just don't have the time.
2. I can't do it while Matt and Lucas keep tempting junk food in the house.
3. I don't want to make two dinners every night (one for me, one for everyone else)
4. I don't have time to exercise.
5. I'll just screw it up anyway, so why start?
6. I've been on so many crash diets that my metabolism is screwed up.
7. It's too expensive to prepare healthy foods.
8. I can start another day.
9. I weigh too much already
10. I hate to deprive myself and that will make me fail, too.

There's more, I'm sure, but my brain isn't functioning so well today. The point is, that these excuses are just that.... excuses. Whiny, lame excuses for me not trying as hard as I could. This is definately not my favorite character flaw.... I might have to work harder, and things may be more difficult, but I always have a choice: to quit, or to persevere. That is my new choice. To persevere.

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